The Obamacrats are running scared and searching for a way to add some enthusiasm to their base.
As evidence to what’s possibly coming around the corner, last night, I got a short robo phone poll call that asked should Obama have Hillary or Biden as VP in the coming election. As I recall the only other questions were about party affiliation, race and my age. Short and sweet, no asking for donation$, no person to talk to, just listen to the prerecorded message and push a button according to my response.
So don’t be surprised if pretty soon (July 2012?), there’s some more feelers out there about dumping Biden and adding Hillary to the ticket as a means to create some enthusiasm beyond their extreme Blue/Green base. My guess is this may start with the PRESSSSident reporting on some new gaff that Joe makes to start the process of pushing Joe under the bus -- this might take at least a couple hours of following Joe around...
This also means that Obama’s Class Warfare strategy has wrapped up the Blue/Green base so no Democrat (aka Hillary) can run a primary challenge to the One. After O’s recent campaign sweeps, the extreme Blue/Green bucks are pretty much totally committed to Obama, there’s simply no left wing money left…
Go figure, this is also why, outside of the extreme Blue/Green base, there’s also not much enthusiasm left to spread around. It’s like rank & file Dems are all being forced to give up a nice Sunday Football afternoon to line up at the local theater to watch the sequel to a really bad movie (Nightmare on Pennsylvania Street) — as if changing some names on the marquee will actually fix the Nightmare’s sequel when everyone knows the plot is just more of the same… Go figure why the rank & file Democrat probably feels they’ve got something else better to do -- In addition to watching some football, they'll may check to make sure the honeydew list includes taking out the trash should the POTUS show up at halftime to disrupt their game…