Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Novel Scamdemic

The WHO (World Health Organization), followed by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and many others, initiated the COVID19 Pandemic with the BOGUS claim that COVID19 was a "NOVEL" virus (like ebola) that no one had any preexisting immunity to... Chicken Little's everywhere jumped up and scream EVERYONE'S GOING TO DIE.... etc, etc... And so started the pandemic, lockdowns, masks, and more.. 

Fact -- There is no research anywhere to support the NOVEL claim by the WHO, CDC, FN-Media, etc... It's a full out Scamdemic.. This isn't to say the COVID19 virus epidemic was not a significant health problem, especially for those with co-morbidities and age over 70.  It is a highly contagious virus that created significant problems for many people, including death.   During the next year, new effective therapies and several vaccines were discovered or created.   

However, as far as the novel COVID19 claim goes, that's bogus... In fact, there's real research about how survivors of SARS 2003 flu have immunity 17 years later to COVID19... This research also shows that some degree of immunity exists from people who have recovered from a wide variety of COVID flus and colds... About 20% of the colds each year are part of the COVID family of viruses...

The NOVEL claim that pushed the world wide panic for COVID19 is a TOTAL scam that continues on over a year later without being challenged to this day...

FACT -- COVID19 is not a novel virus... Rather, there's many millions of people with some degree of preexisting immunity to COVID19. This may help explain why there are so many symptomless COVID19 infections....

Below is an actual research article link from Nature about immunity from SARS and other COVID viruses, covered in sciency detail... This is NOT a FN-Media sugar coated rehash... It's doubtful a sugar coated FN-Media translation exists, and if it did, it might be FB 'cancel cultured...'  

Nature Article on COVID SARS

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Evolving from Social Security to a real retirement plan...

How to design a more effective social marketplace for retirement savings -- Sadly, Social Security about to enter the predictable failure phase of ponzi schemes... What are the options? 

It's not that complicated when one learns how to address the problem from a social marketplace perspective that isn't constrained by offering one size fits all socialist/collectivist solutions such as Social Security.   Yes, it's possible to evolve from Social Security, where one really doesn't have a pension with your name on it, to one that does, while also providing a safety net for existing Social Security recipients who rely upon Social Security for their basic needs..

  • Start by designing a private pension/IRA system where the existing SS framework would put $1 per hour into each worker's pension/IRA. 
  • This would be about $2000/year going to the typical worker's IRA if they work the rough average of 2000 hrs per year.  
  • Workers of all sorts would still pay the regular FICA tax with employer matching into SS and most of this would go to help pay the current SS retirees. 
  • Workers could choose to direct more to go into their IRA, their spouses IRA, or whoever they want to help out, if they wished to. 
  • This means, the older workers with higher incomes paying more into FICA would be helping get lower wage younger workers get their IRAs kick started...
  • There would be a default IRA one could choose from, probably something like the investment portfolio of Federal Employee Unions. Optionally, one could move other IRA approved investments of your own choosing.
  • A typical well chosen IRA might double in value every 7 years -- that's how the Fed's pension portfolio works... So if you start working at 20, 42 years later, your $2000 IRA started at age 20 from working 2000 hours flipping burgers would have doubled 6 times to be worth $128,000. Your $2000 IRA for the next year at age 21 would be worth slightly less, etc, etc, for each subsequent year...It would amount to significantly more than a one million dollar pension.

In other words, folks would have a real pension, in their name, that they could pass on to their heirs, that they could use to pay medical coverage and bills, housing, and judiciously enjoy their retirement based upon a life time of working, without sucking taxes from future generations for their measly SS benefits...  Yes, sad truth is SS is a horrible retirement benefit that is barely earns more money that one put into it years ago... 

Additionally, with a capitalist marketplaced base retirement system,

  • all the money invested in IRAs would have created lots of new jobs and new wealth.  
  • This in turn would help pay for transitioning out of the Ponzi SS system... 
  • This is unlike the current SS system which is heading towards needing huge taxes on future generations of workers (making future economies and generations poorer with little to show for their work)..

Folks, this stuff isn't rocket science, but apparently private pensions are too complicated and controversial for our bozo socialist collectivist politicians to agree on because it empowers the individual and the marketplace to be in control, and not politicians and burrOcrats...  .

Friday, May 31, 2019

CO2 is good for life on earth, not bad...

For those who might like a science approach to CO2 warming being baloney --

There's (only) 4 C02 molecules per 10,000 air molecules. That's like one blue haired kid at the average four year high school of 2500 teens. Translation -- C02 is almost a rare gas...

The average weight of 10,000 moles of air is 290kg (or 640 lbs). The weight of 4 moles of C02 is (44 grams X 4) or 176 grams... The weight of the 10,000 molecules of air is 1650 times larger than the weight of the CO2.

Air molecules at any given speed are moving around with an average speed and weight of the molecule so that when they collide with other air molecules, no additional speed or momentum is provided to the entire volume of air (Conservation of Energy Law of Physics).

For the four C02 molecules to increase the speed of the 10,000 air molecules, is like a six ounce robin trying to push a 670 pound bowling ball by pecking at it. Except, the robin is really C02 and as C02, it has no brain to focus it's energy on such a task... Air is just a dumb thing of weight X and average speed Y at temperature Z. Translation -- Global Warming is attempting to take the mythical the Jedi Force of Star Wars and make believe it's a 'real' thing... It's just so much nonsense...

Additional reality check -- Life on Earth is carbon based. One of the primary ways that carbon moves around our biosphere is via C02. Plants are very effective about taking C02 in the air and converting it into O2 and new carbon based biomolecules for the biosphere... That's why, in spite of millions of barrels of fossil fuel being burned up all the time, the CO2 in the air barely moves a tick. More C02 means more life on earth. Less C02, less life... Those are also basic facts...

In other words, it's total numbnuts to focus upon sequestering C02 from the biosphere. Or taxing C02 to reduce it's concentration in the biosphere of the Earth. Less C02 floating around in the biosphere just makes life less plentiful. Full on stupid, IMHO...

Take the huge forest fires that rage in the summer months up in the north areas of Canada. This is going to release tons and tons of C02 into the air. This C02 from near the arctic circle will move around the earth's biosphere and be converted into jungles,corn, cows, insects, and all sorts of life around the world where it might otherwise never get to, save for the huge fires raging in the lodge pole pine forests of north Canada... These trees are barely larger than a baseball bat and with forests so thick it's a challenge to walk thru. They have no useful value as wood or most anything...

These fires have being happening for eons and eons... If you drive the AlCan highway from Canada to Alaska, there's 20 to 30 mile (or more) stretches where everything far off into the distance has been burned... Then a couple years later, the lodge pole forest will return, to burn again at some time later... It's a cycle of life thing that is far beyond man's ability to control... Man is more likley to just muck things up trying to manage C02...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mole Madness

Here's how to deal with mole infestations. 

Get some dry ice, gloves and a hammer. Google Dry Ice near me -- it's available from a wide variety of sources. $10 block should do fine...

Carefully uncover the tunnel of a mole mound of dirt.
Use the hammer to make a chunk of dry ice about the volume of a golf ball and using the gloves to prevent frost bite, put the chunks in the tunnel, then cover the hole with the dirt without caving the tunnel in...

Optionally, use some folded newspaper or cardboard to protect the tunnel from caving in and cover that with the dirt.

Repeat until all mounds in the yard have been treated.

Sometimes an additional treatment is needed in a few weeks if more activity shows up...

The cold, odorless CO2 pushes out the warm air and puts the moles and the grubs in the tunnels that they eat into a permanent sleep...

This technique can eliminate large communities of mole activity in one or two treatments... Frequently, they never return... Or if they do a year or two later, you know how to deal with the problem...Get some dry ice, gloves and a hammer. Google Dry Ice near me -- it's available from a wide variety of sources. $10 block should do fine...

Carefully uncover the tunnel of a mole mound of dirt.
Use the hammer to make a chunk of dry ice about the volume of a golf ball and using the gloves to prevent frost bite, put the chunks in the tunnel, then cover the hole with the dirt without caving the tunnel in...

Optionally, use some folded newspaper or cardboard to protect the tunnel from caving in and cover that with the dirt.

Repeat until all mounds in the yard have been treated.

Sometimes an additional treatment is needed in a few weeks if more activity shows up...

The cold, odorless CO2 pushes out the warm air and puts the moles and the grubs in the tunnels that they eat into a permanent sleep...

This technique can eliminate large communities of mole activity in one or two treatments... Frequently, they never return... Or if they do a year or two later, you know how to deal with the problem...

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fixing Health Care financing

FIxing the Healthcare financing mess isn't all the hard.  FYI, this is presented from the perspective of insurance coverage for dental care, but it would also apply to medical coverage.

It should start (and pretty much end) with Congress repealing the carrier's antitrust exemption -- carriers have generally shown an inability to be trusted not to mess up the normal function of the marketplace for their own profit (whether they are for profit or non-profit entities), while also reducing the quality of care provided... 

IMHO, a normal functioning health care market should allow clinics to have one and only one fee schedule, just like any other store or vendor.   A carrier could offer to pay $XXX for any procedure, and the rest would be up to the patient to pay... Let patients search around for a price they feel is good for them, if cost is more important than other issues... 

Without an antitrust exemption that lets carriers to set clinic fees, Carriers could base their reimbursement schedules upon some portion of the percentile fee of the spectrum of fees that clinics in an area charge. That's what they pay for a procedure, regardless of what any clinic charges. 

For example, say the 60th percentile (slightly above average) charge for a crown is $1000, and the carrier wants to pay half, then they'd pay $500 for a crown, regardless of what the clinic charges.  If Clinic A charges $800, then the patient portion would be $300 at Clinic A, if the Clinic B charges $1500, then the patient portion would be $1000 at Clinic B.  

Such a reimbursement system would not require an industry anti-trust exemption, plans could easily cross state lines, clinics wouldn't have to sign up as providers, they'd just bill the carrier, perhaps after filing a fee schedule with the carrier to aid in their percentile fee tracking... 

Carriers might also offer the patient financing for the patient's copay... Yes, it's long past time for carriers to think out of their bozo box... They don't have to do that with their precious anti-trust exemption... 

Mostly, what would happen is instead of dulling the marketplace with increasing low end care options pushed by carriers, this sort of (non-anti-trust exemption) carrier reimbursement system could enhance competition for service, price and quality of care provided. And the change in improvement of care and financing options to pay for care, would likely be very swift.


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Bill Of Lefts

Bill of Lefts

     The Bill of Lefts include, but are not limited, to these certain unalienable principles :

  1. Thou shall be secure in the fact government will take care of you. Everything is free as long as you don't work for it. So you are best off not working at all or as little as possible.
  2. Government shall never take away anything it gives you. However, it may take away anything you earn on your own.
  3. There shall be plenty of mandates on the other guy. You are safe as long as you choose do as little as possible -- then government will not ask you to do anything in return. Whatever you do, don't ever think aboutemploying someone.  If you do hire a maid, best not to report it.
  4. Bubbas who hang out together can get most anything they want as long as they promise to vote for incumbent liberals.
  5. Government can always raise taxes on the rich because success is just not fair no matter what the tax rate.
  6. Deficits are a part of life, but that is only a problem for those with money.  If the government gives you a credit card for health care or anything, use it as much as you want.  The more you use it, the more free things you can expect to get with it in the future.
  7. The Outcome Based Media (aka the PRESSident) is protected by the freedom of the press and can rewrite or reinterpret the Constitution to meet any desired PRESSidential goal or specification. The PRESSidentis defined as the collective will of the liberal PRESSSSSS.
  8. The Outcome Based Media is only required to report the views that the PRESSident feels are useful propaganda for the intended audience of that report. Conflicting positions are fine as long as the last statement promises new programs.
  9. Most laws are best written by federal courts and regulatory agencies, so it is best to make any legislation as vague and contradictory as possible.
  10. All rights reserved to the States and individuals are subject to the previous rule. (articles 1 thru 10 adopted by 10/95)
  11. When your position can't be substantiated by logic or facts, divert the issue to another topic that defames or attacks your opposition's credibility.  It is good if there is little justification to do so, and even better if your spin is full of falsehoods and logical gaps. (9/96)
    1. If you are guilty of something, defend yourself by saying your opponent is guilty of the same crime, even if it there is no truth in the accusation. (4/00).
  12. Unquestioning faith in Big Government shall be a promoted and protected right.  This non-secular faith, its welfare programs and worship of liberal politicians shall replace religion, as well as the faith based charities.  Conservatives who have no faith in big government shall be persecuted and scorned as 'radical right extremists' of the worse kind.  (4/98)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Surfing the Curl

One thing that DC, the politicians, burrOcrats and media don't get about Trump is he, like successful business owners of all sorts of sizes, are used to continuously non-stop working towards their goals pretty near 24/7. Successful business folks continue along undeterred by all sorts of endless drama and sideshows that businesses typically encounter every day.  This also applies to many of his top cabinet appointments...

In business, if you stop moving forwards to your goals (note the plural 'goals'), and are distracted by nonsense sideshows, you will be quickly passed up by others... Trump is not just in his element as President, he's like riding the curl, confidently surfing an endless wave... Just like he pretty much has done for quite some time...

Politicians and BurrOcrats and the Media, nah, not so much... They are used to existence in a relatively safe and slowly expanding swamp... Politicans do take up the surf every few years at election time... Most look to ride the easy short waves, then return to the swamp after the election...