Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Novel Scamdemic

The WHO (World Health Organization), followed by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and many others, initiated the COVID19 Pandemic with the BOGUS claim that COVID19 was a "NOVEL" virus (like ebola) that no one had any preexisting immunity to... Chicken Little's everywhere jumped up and scream EVERYONE'S GOING TO DIE.... etc, etc... And so started the pandemic, lockdowns, masks, and more.. 

Fact -- There is no research anywhere to support the NOVEL claim by the WHO, CDC, FN-Media, etc... It's a full out Scamdemic.. This isn't to say the COVID19 virus epidemic was not a significant health problem, especially for those with co-morbidities and age over 70.  It is a highly contagious virus that created significant problems for many people, including death.   During the next year, new effective therapies and several vaccines were discovered or created.   

However, as far as the novel COVID19 claim goes, that's bogus... In fact, there's real research about how survivors of SARS 2003 flu have immunity 17 years later to COVID19... This research also shows that some degree of immunity exists from people who have recovered from a wide variety of COVID flus and colds... About 20% of the colds each year are part of the COVID family of viruses...

The NOVEL claim that pushed the world wide panic for COVID19 is a TOTAL scam that continues on over a year later without being challenged to this day...

FACT -- COVID19 is not a novel virus... Rather, there's many millions of people with some degree of preexisting immunity to COVID19. This may help explain why there are so many symptomless COVID19 infections....

Below is an actual research article link from Nature about immunity from SARS and other COVID viruses, covered in sciency detail... This is NOT a FN-Media sugar coated rehash... It's doubtful a sugar coated FN-Media translation exists, and if it did, it might be FB 'cancel cultured...'  

Nature Article on COVID SARS